

You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receiving it without giving any reason. After cancellation, you have another 14 days to return your product. You will be refunded the full order amount including shipping costs. If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product, along with all included accessories, must be returned to the seller in its original condition and packaging if reasonably possible. To exercise this right, please contact us at We will refund the owed order amount within 14 days of receiving your return notification, provided the product has been returned in good condition.

Return costs are at your own expense. Please keep the receipt as proof. We will refund the costs after receiving the products, provided they are in good condition.

We cannot accept opened products and will not refund their amount. If the product is damaged or the packaging is more damaged than necessary to test the product, we may charge you for the depreciation of the product. Please handle the product with care and ensure it is well packed when returning it.

Exchange product?

Do you want to exchange your product? That’s no problem at all. You can contact us at

I provided the wrong delivery address!

Did you accidentally provide the wrong delivery address? Please contact us as soon as possible. We will try to modify the order for you.

Return address:

Wijningsstraat 13, 4711 VE Rucphen, Netherlands