What to do about stubborn polish layers on plastic floors?
What steps should I follow to safely remove old polish layers from my plastic floor?
Removing old polish layers from a plastic floor can be a challenging task, especially if the layers are stubborn and have accumulated over time. It is important to choose a safe and effective method that does not damage the floor. A common problem is that regular cleaning agents are often not strong enough to remove multiple layers of polish, leaving the floor looking dull or uneven. Additionally, the use of aggressive chemical products can damage or discolor the floor. Therefore, it is essential to choose a product specifically designed for removing polish layers without affecting the surface. Proper preparation and the right technique are crucial to achieving the desired result without damaging the floor. In this context, choosing the right cleaning agent and method can make the difference between a successful result and a damaged floor.
Blanchon Polish Remover effectively removes old polish layers without damaging the floor.
Blanchon Polish Remover is a powerful degreaser and stripper, specially designed for the safe and effective removal of stubborn polish layers on plastic floors. This product can be applied manually or by machine and does not foam, which simplifies its use. To remove polish layers, it is recommended to dilute four cups of Blanchon Polish Remover (about 10 to 20%) in five liters of warm water. Apply the mixture with a well-wrung microfiber cloth or mop and allow it to sit for a few minutes. If necessary, use a buffing machine with fine sanding pads for a thorough cleaning. Then, remove the dirt with a vacuum cleaner or squeegee and dry the floor with a microfiber mop. Rinse the floor twice thoroughly with lukewarm, clean water to remove all residues. Make sure never to mix other products with Blanchon Polish Remover and only use the product in well-ventilated areas. By following these steps, you will safely and effectively remove all old polish layers without damaging the plastic floor.